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How to: Kitchener Stitch

A seamless finish can make your socks look and feel great, but a lot of knitters are put off projects that involve this technique as it looks incredibly complicated. But never fear, as with most things it’s not as bad as it looks, and once you get going there is actually a really nice rhythm to it. This tutorial will work well for socks as by skipping the usual preparation* you avoid creating an ear at the edge of the toe of your sock.

*If you are using this tutorial to seam two flat pieces then you would need to prepare the first stitch on each needle by inserting your tapestry needle through the first stitch on the front needle as if to purl (from back to front), leaving the stitch on the needle. Then thread the needle through the first stitch on the back needle as if to knit (from front to back), being careful not to carry your yarn over the front needle, and leave the stitch on the needle. Continue from section 2.

1. Start with the wrong sides of the work held together. Hold the needles with the live stitches parallel to each other. Thread a tapestry needle with a long length of your working yarn.

2. Pass the needle through the first stitch on the front needle as if to knit (from front to back). Slip the stitch off the needle.

3. Pass the needle through the next stitch on the front needle as if to purl (from back to front). Leave this stitch on the needle.

4. Pass the needle through the first stitch on the back needle as if to purl. Slip the stitch off the needle.

5. Pass the needle through the next stitch on the back needle as if to knit. Leave the stitch on the needle. Pull the yarn through to snug up the stitches no longer on the needles.

6. Repeat steps 2 – 5, stopping to tighten any loose loops, until all stitches have been worked. Weave in ends as normal.

I found chanting ‘knit off, purl on, purl off, knit on’ can help to keep a rhythm. Though you may have to explain yourself if you’re trying it on the bus!

You can find all my video tutorials on my YouTube channel